Monday, July 13, 2009

chubby cherub painting

Here is the start of the cherubic portrait I am doing right now.
When I was visiting the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, I took a lot of hard long looks at the 17th Century painters and how they managed to do such beautiful work. Im still rather at a loss to explain how...but I did notice a lot more loose brushmarks than one sees in reproductions. Seems like a lot of very subtle glazes too.
There recently was a fabulous portrait of F D Roosevelt on the cover of Time magazine by Michael J Deas... just wonderful to see how subtle a portrait can be..... But dont get your hopes up that this cherub will be anything like Deas' work.... but one aims high and tries hard. He paints in oils and I play with acrylics.
Time to drag myself to my easel and lift the heavy brush.... in between hefting the leaden brush I am also prepping a canvas for a painting of a house...the home of a good friend of mine who moved away and misses the place. Right now the canvas is white...I didnt think to show it here yet. As soon as I have anything apart from the gesso, I'll reveal it.
Oh and tea will be served shortly..... one cannot imbibe gin and tonic too early in the day. Frightfully elegant and refined if I may say so myself.
"Jeeves! I am in the painting studio. You may bring the tea!" (I hope he is wearing his clean white gloves)

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